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Topic Posted bysort ascending Last updated Replies
Quantity Discount Rule pooon Sep 22, 2am 3 (pooon)
Quanity boxes per size pooon Sep 18, 1am 2 (pooon)
Selling Numbers pooon Jun 26, 3pm 1 (pooon)
Addon with checkbox pooon Oct 21, 3pm 1 (pooon)
Cloud Zoom hide thumbnail if only one image pooon Nov 14, 12pm 4 (Peter Marse)
Variations on node page pooon Sep 1, 8pm 1 (pooon)
Edit admin theme Pol Maresma Apr 22, 6pm 5 (jdflorez)
Limit shipping destinations Pol Maresma Feb 20, 12pm 1 (Tosho)
Cart dissapears for anonymous when adding a product referenced field Pol Maresma May 17, 8am 1 (Pol Maresma)
How do I convert products to a different type? PN Nov 19, 11am 1 (Angela S)
How do I set the order number? PN Sep 16, 6pm 2 (PN)
Messages inside checkout form pmelab Dec 21, 9am 1 (Randy Fay)
Testing Guidelines plainprogrammer Jan 25, 5pm 1 (Ryan Szrama)
Agree to terms checkbox before adding to cart? pkchoo Sep 3, 12am 2 (pkchoo)
Best way to approach individual bottles and cases of wine sales? pkchoo Sep 22, 1pm 2 (waltercat)
How do I set a shipping rule to ignore one product type in the order count? pkchoo May 14, 9am 4 (nirmal.sharma)
Discount does not count the entire cart quantity pkchoo Jun 1, 2pm 3 (Ryan Szrama)
Importing from poorly generated data feeds in CSV format pixel8 Mar 1, 3pm 3 (pixel8)
Show fields to billing information when a Checkbox is selected. pit_zavra Jan 18, 8pm 1 (pit_zavra)
newsletter and drupal commerce pit_zavra Feb 4, 4pm 5 (frizi)
Installments pit_zavra Jan 19, 8pm 8 (oz_an)
Rules and product fields, please help pitxels Apr 6, 1pm 2 (pitxels)
What is the most popular credit card method in UK? pinkonomy Oct 24, 2pm 4 (veganline)
Does Commerce include... pier Sep 2, 4am 4 (pier)
Can not manage to display currency symbol instead of code -or- can I just remove the currency portion of the price photoboy Apr 15, 6pm 10 (Lesto09)
add additional order status? photoboy May 31, 3am 2 (spacereactor)
Allowing users to add products phillbd Feb 19, 6am 5 (Guille-P)
Rules to create/delete a corresponding Product Display upon create/delete Product phillbd May 14, 1pm 13 (luthien)
custom the display of my product philippe3441 Oct 16, 5pm 1 (CptAnt)
thumbnail like the kicksart example philippe3441 May 13, 5pm 1 (CptAnt)
Quicktabs module philippe3441 Nov 28, 8am 1 (CptAnt)
taxonomy description philippe3441 May 10, 7am 1 (Banzai)
Order NOT submitted when Paypal's selected as Payment method Philben Feb 16, 6pm 3 (lmatthews)
Site performance suggestion, please! Philben Dec 31, 8am 14 (Sagar J)
[Fancy Attributes] Thumbnails of product images instead of color boxes tenuis Jun 8, 1am 3 (mikeaja)
Commerce order not storing line item Pfriedo Nov 21, 3pm 1 (nickvw)
Flat rate shipping method not displaying Pfriedo Aug 22, 10am 8 (corbin)
Altering checkout form text Pfriedo Jan 17, 10am 2 (Randy Fay)
Complex shipping Calculation peyrusse Feb 2, 3pm 2 (pushka)
customer user roles for price? peterthimaging Aug 15, 11am 1 (Randy Fay)
complicated price field programming, would hire someone petergus Oct 29, 6pm 3 (strae)
product with width/height calculations petergus Feb 18, 12pm 1 (realskorpion)
possible to make details custom products? petergus Oct 17, 4am 3 (petergus)
Complex price calculation using a field in the product perrymanson Sep 21, 1pm 3 (Randy Fay)
GoogleMap | Show products as markers ? pepperstreet Mar 1, 8pm 6 (itp)
Sub theme AT Commerce PedroKTFC Apr 5, 5am 2 (PedroKTFC)
How to handle bras PedroKTFC Jul 3, 2am 4 (iqxmk)
Kickstart slideshow showing multiple images while loading PedroKTFC Feb 17, 2pm 2 (felipedex)
Setting up many products with one product display and multiple selection categories PedroKTFC Jan 23, 1pm 7 (Randy Fay)
How do you remove the "Add to Cart" button? PedroKTFC Feb 25, 8am 11 (qdaffy)


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