Edit admin theme
Hello, I'm wanna edit the default admin theme with CSS.
I was thinking on duplicating commerce_kickstart_theme but I see some CSS are placed on commerce_kickstart/modules
What approach should I use to ensure future updates of the commerce kickstart?
Thank's for all your work.
I would create a new theme,
I would create a new theme, call it "My Shiny" or something like that, and set the .info file like such:
// Filename = my_shiny.info
name = My Shiny
description = Tweaking the base admin theme for Drupal Commerce.
core = 7.x
base theme = shiny
// Override CSS
stylesheets[all][] = custom_admin_styles.css
This way your tweaks can survive and you can update the base theme along with Kickstart from now until D8 arrives :D
More info about subthemes: http://drupal.org/node/225125
Thank's Josh, but what to do
Thank's Josh, but what to do about the CSS files that live inside the modules like this one? /profiles/commerce_kickstart/modules/commerce_kickstart/commerce_kickstart_menus/commerce_kickstart_menus.css
I will try to overwrite it on my custom theme CSS, I hope if this is loaded after the module's CSS it will work.
Thank's for all.
I would also like to know how
I would also like to know how to do this... Thanks!
I think this might answer the
I think this might answer the question: http://drupal.org/node/263967
Add this to your theme.info
Add this to your theme.info file: stylesheets[all][] = css/commerce_kickstart_menus.css
Copy the whole stylesheet from: /profiles/commerce_kickstart/modules/commerce_kickstart/commerce_kickstart_menus/commerce_kickstart_menus.css
Edit what you want to change and remember that by doing this will prevent the default css file from loading.