Quanity boxes per size
Right now my shop has 3 fields,
Size (select box)
Color (select box)
Qty (number input)
Can I merge my Qty and Size into multiple input boxes so the end result will look like:
Color (select box)
small (number input)
med (number input)
large (number input)
xl (number input)
Most of the customers will be doing large bulk ordering and it'll save time from having to pick a size, add to cart, pick a size, add to cart, etc.....
Multiple Quantities are easy with Views and Drupal Commerce
Easy peasy! Just create a view of Product Entities and use the field "Add to cart form" that views supplies. Make sure to select "Display a textfield quantity widget on the add to cart form."
Bonus points if you can set it up to be a block that uses the node/id as an argument to filter in the products for the "currently viewed node" (hint: you will first need a relationship to nodes through the product_reference field).
For fun and profit, I made a video that walks you through this:
Oh snap, a video, that's
Oh snap, a video, that's awesome... thanks!