[modification here] Bug in kickstart with slideshow

when opening development tools / on IE or firefox (not chrome) , slideshow stops and console javascript shows :

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getSlideCount' of undefined commerce_kickstart_slideshow.js

Ligne 25 Caractère 13 :
Drupal.behaviors.commerce_kickstartslideshow_custom.processSlide(currentIndex, slider.getSlideCount(), $slideElement);

Posted: Dec 14, 2013

Product variations all have same title?

I'm using Kickstart 2 and have created some variation types. I've added a product with four different variations. When I create each new variation under the variation's 'Variation title' it says 'Will be auto-generated when the form is saved.'

Then when I go to the product display, under the variations drop down all of the variations have the same name, see the screenshot below:


Posted: Nov 29, 2013

Product Refence Field rendered product causes links to admin page instead to node

OK, so I'm using Commerce Kickstart 2, and wanted to create an associated products field for each products. I chose product reference for that field and displayed rendered product teasers. At first I didn't notice (or it may have occurred later) but the teaser image links to the admin page of the associated product instead of the node page of that rendered product.

Posted: Oct 27, 2013

How to create new content type with title of type "Node module element"

I am using Commerce Kickstart 7.x-2.8.

I need to create some new content types that are not directly related to products in the store. For example, I want to create a content type "Articles" to discuss various aspects of our products. I have another website that contains nodes of content type "Articles" which I want to be able to import/export between the websites.

On the new website, When I create a new content type (either manually or using Bundle copy from the old website), I always get the following message:

"The node Title field was automatically replaced."

Posted: Jul 7, 2013

How to re-position 'add to cart' button in kickstart?

i am using commerce kickstart 2. and trying to reposition "add to cart" button.
there is no option for this button in 'manage fields'.
tried to find the source code in 'firebug' so that i can edit, but failed.
Here is what i need to do

Please guide me through. Thank you.

Posted: Jun 29, 2013

Collection products (Product display) Text Color


I am playing around with a new install of Kickstart Commerce 2.

How do I change the default text color (the white text that appears over the "collection-banner-to_carry.jpg" image) of the "Collection products (Product display)" to something else, like black?

Thank you!


Posted: May 29, 2013

User focused documentation of the product aspects of kickstart demo

The DC team have done a fantastic job with the latest kickstart but the learning curve for non Drupal users is still high.

I needed to clearly explain the demo capabilities to my user, for example how the product variations, product variations types and displays related to each other. I also wanted to be consistent with terminology. To do this I created a few powerpoint slides which tell the product part of the demo story with pictures and screenshots.

My user and I found the process useful and I hope you may find them useful for your project.

Enjoy !

Posted: Mar 8, 2013


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