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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion List of products bought by the user

e-learning courses. I use commerce-7.x-1.7. I would like to make a page where an authenticated user can see ... a list of products (courses) bought earlier. (So not the admin, but the user himself.) It should be ... something like the 'User order' view, but listing all the products already purchased (by multiple ...
csaba.ortutay.admin — June 2013 — 1 comment — commerce products

Discussion Partial payaments, multiple users paying 1 order, deposits, not 100% up front

I have used D7 commerce module and looks amazing. I need to allow a user to login, add a holiday, ... an initial partial payment on an order and then allow other users to make partial payments on another ... users (the organizers) total order. Please help. Thanks ...
zakchambers — March 2011 — 2 comments

Discussion Different discounts for each register user

Hello I have store for only register users. How to add different discounts for each register user ... ? I mean 5% discount for user X, 7% for user Y, 12% for user Z. Ho make it? discounts ...
nawi — February 2013 — 1 comment — discounts
Commerce RMA

Module Commerce RMA

two modules: commerce_rma: core functions. commerce_rma_ui: user/admin interface. *commerce_return* is ... user order list. This link is a default view handler, so you can easily use it in your custom order ... views. After user click on the "return products" link, module redirects user to the return ...
goldorak goldorak — September 2012 — 22 Installs

Discussion User focused documentation of the product aspects of kickstart demo

Drupal users is still high. I needed to clearly explain the demo capabilities to my user, for example how ... part of the demo story with pictures and screenshots. My user and I found the process useful and I hope ... 468.15 KB ...
charlied — March 2013 — 1 comment — -Kickstart 2.0, product

Module Commerce Credits Flag

In combination with Commerce Credits, this module forces users to buy a credit before flagging ... some content. This can be useful when you want users to pay for flagging a node as promoted for example ...
guillaumev — January 2012 — 2 Installs

Discussion Display User's Total in Block View

user's order total. I have a Relationship setup to "Relate this order to is owner's user ... the same total for every user, rather than just that user's total. Rather than showing 20000+ ... authenticated user. Should I be using a Contextual Filter instead of a Relationship? I'm not really sure ...
carelessdonkey — March 2013 — 1 comment

Documentation Function that tells us if the items in Shopping Cart / Basket

<?php // Provided by stevetook in the forums. function items_on_cart () {  global $user ... ;   $cart = commerce_cart_order_load ($user-> uid);   $line_items = count ($cart-> ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — May 2012 — 2 comments

Module Commerce Moodle Integration

through Drupal Commerce. When the user buys a specific product, he will be automatically enrolled to ... types will be Moodle courses. Then you can start creating products/courses in Drupal/Moodle. Notes Users ... of the two systems (Drupal and Moodle) must have exactly the same user name. For this reason, ...
netol — November 2012 — 57 Installs

Discussion Show user tabs on orders page

When a user goes to 'Orders' on his account/user page (user/#/orders), and then clicks ... on one of the order numbers to see the order (user/#/orders/#), the user tabs at the top dissappear ...
jacquesroux — October 2012 — 1 comment — order details
