how to deferred payments handling(pre-approved)


I'm very new to drupal commerce so forgive the ignorant questions.

I need to extend the commerce_paypal module and add another payment method that supports the Paypal Adaptive Payments SDK(or amazon FPS). Specifically, i want delayed chained payments (pre-approved payments). Now the traditional payment methods run a PAY transaction right away as seen in the order.

However, pre-approved payments return a token that must be kept until payment is initiated. where should I keep this token? How should I relate it to the order?

Posted: Mar 1, 2013

Paypal Sandbox: Items in your order via Email


i´m using Paypal WPS with a sandbox account for testing. Everything works fine BUT, when i finish the payment i got an Email (no additional Modules installed) with everything BUT the line items. It seems that paypal is not giving back this values.

Is that a bug or do i have to switch to live mode to get those?

Thanx for your help!

Posted: Feb 25, 2013
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