I need info on payment method setup, not provided...

Hi all, I went here to find information on how to set up a payment method for Wire transfer, ie. just sum up the order and send an email, basically) and I looked here: https://drupalcommerce.org/commerce-kickstart-2/how-download-and-setup-p... but there is now information. Any ideas on how I could do this by setting up a new payment method rule (my guess). Thx! and PS, is this forum actually working; there is so much SPAM it's hard to tell :)

Posted: Nov 2, 2014

Setting a transaction ID

Hello everyone,
I am writing an offsite payment method module. Part of what is sent to the payment service is the payment transaction ID which I can get after calling commerce_payment_transaction_new ( METHOD_ID, ORDER_ID ).

The payment service requires that transaction ID sent to must between 6 and 50 characters long. However, transaction IDs by Commerce are serial and so start by being less than 6 characters for a long time.

So I was wondering: is there a way to set the transaction ID as the transaction is created?

I'll be glad for any help.


Posted: Aug 7, 2013

Kickstart example payment missing action

I don't know if this is a serious error, but I get this one on /admin/commerce/config/payment-methods using Commerce Kickstart 7.x-2.7:

Kickstart example payment
Machine name: commerce_payment_commerce_kickstart_payment, Weight: 0
Error: Unknown action commerce_payment_enable_commerce_kickstart_payment.
Not available on the checkout form
Not available on the order payment terminal

Any ideas what to do, if anything?

Posted: May 21, 2013

Perform a payment after hanling the checkout process


Is there any way this is possible. I would like to sell services, where it is not certain if people will be free to provide the service. e.g. somebody buys a plumber service, but only if we have an available plumber the service will happen.

Basically, is it possible to not have the payment in the normal checkout process but only later, without having to use a simple bank transfer. So when an administrator says: order OK.


Posted: Mar 4, 2013

Enable/Disable payments methods programatically

In my e-commerce I offer some coupons (via percentage/fixed amount coupons) that sometimes has 100% of the order total discount (resulting in a order with total = 0).

In this cases, i need to disable the default payment (paypal) and to enable another _special_ payment (that has to be disabled for normal orders).

We have the rule action "Enable payment method", but we dont have "Disable payment method", so I suppose I should keep all payment method disabled and enable them via a rule/action trigger.

Am I correct?

Posted: Oct 29, 2012
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