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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion A alternative idea for attributes with price- line type, rules and product references

I hit a big problem recently with Commerce and attributes, that almost needed me to bin everything and go with a different system. I would like to describe the attribute idea / potential solution that might keep Commerce as a viable option in this use cas ...
mikeaja — March 2014 — 11 comments

Discussion DC Product attributes

(admin/structure/types/manage/product-display/fields/field_product) to set the number of values to "unlimited". Create a product display node ... (node/add/product-display). In the "product" field, select the products that should be shown on this node. Save the ... node and it should work as expected, with select fields for size and color from: ...
frizi — December 2011 — 1 comment

Discussion Looking for a module that provides "you may also like..." display

a product display node. For an example of what I mean see ...
mattnorman — December 2011 — 1 comment

Discussion aliases for products in multiple categories?

recommends to insert main canonical url for duplicate content, in our case "node/nid" Magento does ...
heyyo — December 2011 — 1 comment

Question Freaky template behaviour

very happy except for an odd layout glitch on any node I choose to have as the home page. ...
KitchenSync — May 2013 — Theming, Templates

Question How to stop default commerce coupon error message?

component provided in comment #6 on I have been successful in getting that ...
JeebsUK — December 2013 — commerce coupons, coupon

Discussion Best way to handle gift wrapping?

We're currently building a web shop using Commerce, that has a lot of products that should be available with gift wrapping. The charge for gift wrapping will be the same, no matter the product. Which would be the best way to implement this using Comm ...
AdamGerthel — July 2011 — 2 comments

Discussion Change cart "Checkout" to "Get a Quote" system

I'm designing a product catalog website for a client who has asked that visitors be able to create a cart/wish list with items and then Get a Quote for that list/cart instead of going to Checkout. I've looked around for Drupal Commerce extension ...
jassibacha — March 2013 — 4 comments — get a quote, checkout, Product catalog

Discussion Ingress image/price view problem

Thanks for a great product! I am trying to get products to preview on my frontpage. I have created product display as suggested. The products display fine when I click on them. However, I cannot get their image to preview on the front page. As far As I ca ...
Del — June 2011 — 2 comments

Discussion Kickstart- Add Product- Product Catalog Vertical Tab

Hi All, Where is the Product Catalog Vertical Tab defined in Commerce Kickstart 2.0? The terms Collection, Category,Gender, and Brand are all grouped in this vertical tab. Verical Tab Product catalog ...
ccmd00d — December 2012 — 5 comments — Verical Tab, Product catalog
