What are the best themes for Commerce sites?
Currently, there are no themes providing specific styling for Commerce components. This should change in the coming months, as selling themes specifically for e-commerce usage has always been very popular in the premium Drupal theme market. Additionally, expect some contributed themes and base themes to take into consideration styling product pages, the checkout form, etc. Right now, Drupal 7 theming is really just getting started.
The demo site uses the Corolla theme slightly modified to better size and position elements of product display nodes and teasers. We'll update this FAQ with a list of recommended themes as more become available.
Omega Commerce
I heard that Jack Strawn from http://developmentgeeks.com/ was working on a Omega Commerce Theme. If this is based on Omega 3 theme (very "mobile") than this is good news.
(http://drupal.org/project/omega) theme
commerce and community site theme options?
Are there any themes that readily support a site that offers both commerce(store/marketplace) and community(faqs, forums, blogs, feeds etc.) functionality?
symphonythemes.com-My choice drupal commerce omega based themes
Power of http://drupal.org/project/commerce + http://drupal.org/project/omega +some custom web design love=
It was a nice surprise for me!
How about Acquia Prosper
Is Acquia Prosper just suitable for Ubercart? or for Drupal Commerce too?
AT Commerce
We have released a new theme called AT Commerce with baked in support for Commerce module, slidshows, superfish, grid displays and a heap of other features, including support for mobile. AT Commerce is a subtheme of Adaptivetheme.
Check it out http://drupal.org/project/at-commerce
Where can i download the same
Where can i download the same Corolla theme used for the demo site ?
You can get Corolla here:
You can get Corolla here: http://drupal.org/project/corolla
Modified Corolla
He is referring to the slightly modified Corolla theme.
Im interested in that as well, if it becomes available.
Free Drupal Commerce Theme (for a Furniture Store)
Hey guys!
Just a quick heads up about TemplateMonster's new theme that supports the Commerce module - Free Drupal Commerce Theme for a Furniture Store.
Check it out: http://www.templatemonster.com/free-drupal-ecommerce-theme.html
Features include:
- responsive design;
- Localization packs (currency + languages);
- Ajax-powered page functionality;
- Compatible with Drupal 7 core.
- etc.
View demo:
Really love some feedback on the design and features!