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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Is there a module to show a commerce cart in a popup window when you click on "add to cart" button?

summ of them, instead of simple showing exactly the same information about product which user already ...
Nikita Petrov — January 2014 — commerce cart

Answer Answer to Question 8417

your users create customer profiles that they don't have the permission for, this is a bug in the ... module and should be reported to its issue queue. However, in a quick test for an unprivileged user I was ... not given access to make profiles that I did not have access to. Perhaps the user you were testing ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — June 2013

Question How do I specify a Line Item Type?

to the user's cart? I do not use an add to cart form because the rule is triggered after ...
jas891 — February 2013 — Rules, custom line items

Discussion Checkout button

on, but when i log on as an authenticated user, i can add items to my cart but there is no checkout ...
frankenstein246 — June 2011 — 9 comments

Question Product Variation as Thumbnail rather than Dropdown You see that I have loads of variations for that particular table linen, but my end user has to ...
aaronortega — February 2013 — 1 comment — Product Display, Product Variation, image, FAQ

Answer Answer to Question 8373

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Billing and shipping information is not generally displayed on the user ... probably don't want running on ever pageload. I'd probably add a field to the user account ... the name is a field on the user account, you can probably find a module that will then let you use ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — June 2013

Discussion Triggering a Javascript with Rules when an order is complete.

gateway. I am need of triggering a script (supplied by a third party for tracking a purchase) when the user ... However, the problem is because Paypal doesn't seem to automatically return users to my site (the ... doesn't need the user to return to the site. So this would be Instead of requiring the script to be run ...
jberg1 — May 2013 — 1 comment

Discussion Quantity Discount Rule

I'm trying to figure out how to use rules. What I need is a discount that will take 25% off order if there are 14 or more products in the cart of any kind. ...
pooon — September 2014 — 3 comments

Discussion creating products on the fly

meaning of making it very simple to the user, so no node & product creation.. ...
ytsurk — February 2011 — 2 comments

Question Implementing context-sensitive help in shopping cart?

help system for more in-depth info. (Only certain user types would see these- e.g. internal sales or ... service, not the end user/customer.) In some cases, there might be more than one help option on a screen- ...
brsnyder — January 2013 — help, documentation
