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Answer Answer to Question 7508
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realskorpion — April 2013 — 1 comment
Discussion Placing Future Orders
Hi, I've just started learning about Drupal and DC but I think it's awesome, struggling with product display confusion at the moment! But for now I'll try read the documentation some more... My question at the moment is that I want to set u ...
Discussion Sell files
Hi all, I want to sell file (for example in PDF) obtained thanks to the files contained in the cart. So, the customer choose files (which will be in its cart and then after some postprocess we create our "product". Is there any way to do that? I ...
adib — June 2011 — 1 comment
Discussion VAT- switching on off depending on user preferance
Hi I am wondering if anyone has made it possible for customers to switch on/off different taxes. For example where i live (sweden) companies should see prices excluded VAT and then the vat is added on the final price like a sales tax. But consumers should ...
Discussion Manage Products changed to an sku list rather than the standard product list. How to switch back?
This may be simple, but I don't remember changing it. The manage products panel of admin usually shows all variations under the same display name, allowing quick edit to display the variations. But now, for some reason, it show only an sku filter and ...
ricardob — December 2012 — 1 comment
Discussion Theming a checkout pane
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has themed a checkout pane. I'd like to theme the address and credit card payment panes. I might be barking up the wrong tree here, but I've tried this without success in my template.php: function my_theme_theme( ...
thesurfinganalyst — June 2011 — 1 comment
Discussion Which module to use for purchase discount coupon?
Hi all, I'm building a website which sell discount coupon such as the famous Groupon. I wanted to know which module can allow to purchase coupon? In my case coupon itself is a product. Is there any module able to allow user to download the dynamicall ...
maxchock — June 2011 — 1 comment
Discussion gift wrapping
Hi I installed the gift wrap module and it works fine for the complete order but not for a per item gift wrap. I know there is some discussion on this matter. Can it be done in a different way (with other commerce modules) so that the customer can select ...
Kris Obbers — November 2012 — 1 comment
Discussion Showing related products
Hey Guys, I am really stuck on a problem right now. I am sure it's not a big deal, but due to my newness I just can't figure it out: I need to show related products on my product display node. The information comes from the product itself. All t ...
zechmeister — March 2013 — 1 comment — views, multiple products, product display, Create Product Display
Discussion Create catalog for products with variations
Hi everybody! I need help with catalog of products. Each products has variations. I created view for Product Display using fields. Added relation to product. The problem- each variation is displayed as individual product in the catalog. It is not good. Wh ...
Kiteman — November 2012 — 1 comment