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Topic Posted by Last updatedsort ascending Replies
Card present local transactions. Majortom Mar 21, 10am 3 (Ryan Szrama)
Is the WA State Sales Tax Module from Ubercart Portable here? KRWKnitwear Mar 19, 11pm 1 (Ryan Szrama)
Tax calculation service integration tdbdev Mar 19, 11pm 1 (Ryan Szrama)
Payments Specification univate Mar 19, 11pm 9 (Ryan Szrama)
B2B Corporate Purchasing portal markalosey Mar 19, 10am 1 (Robert (not verified))
Affiliate module Bojan Zivanovic Mar 10, 7am 11 (steingard)
creating products on the fly ytsurk Feb 22, 1pm 2 (ytsurk)
Checkout problem - shows admin checkout to anonymous ace11 Feb 22, 9am 1 (ace11)
Data model, read orders by third party tool. joeX Feb 19, 12pm 1 (Ryan Szrama)
Do products need a SKU? Ryan Szrama Feb 2, 4pm 20 (Ryan Szrama)
Variable Base Currency with Real-Time Display Pricing? johnm Feb 2, 4pm 1 (Ryan Szrama)
Forward porting Ubercart 2.0 to D7 Ryan Szrama Jan 15, 10pm 24 (Stomper)
How to transfer a invoice from Drupal Commerce to a counted software tOf Dec 6, 10am 3 (tOf)
Product attribute/option logic harrisben Sep 4, 11am 2 (Dashton (not verified))
i18n thoughts/needs totsubo Aug 2, 7am 18 (Brent (not verified))
A simple question regarding Drupal Commerce's product variation Dan_JD Jul 5, 9am 1 (Ryan Szrama)
Few Questions timouns Jun 15, 11pm 1 (Ryan Szrama)
How to create product specification (datesheet) DCnewbie May 26, 1pm 1 (Anonymous (not verified))
Customers & Users Psy May 10, 1am 7 (matt2000)
Product Code Review Ryan Szrama Mar 9, 8pm 11 (Ryan Szrama)
Order Object Workflow through Checkout Ryan Szrama Mar 2, 6am 8 (redben)
anon user buys premium content access artatac Mar 1, 11am 1 (Ryan Szrama)
Paris Sprint Notes Day One Ryan Szrama Feb 22, 11pm 2 (alexanderpas (not verified))
Problems with Products Ryan Szrama Feb 22, 8pm 2 (redben)
Product Specification Ryan Szrama Feb 19, 3am 7 (harrisben)
Ensuring a Price on products Ryan Szrama Feb 12, 6pm 2 (redben)
Development Standards Feedback Ryan Szrama Feb 8, 6am 5 (redben)
Products progress report Ryan Szrama Feb 7, 2am 1 (Ryan Szrama)
Decision engine Rules vs CA Tim Jan 26, 4pm 11 (servantleader (not verified))
Testing Guidelines plainprogrammer Jan 25, 5pm 1 (Ryan Szrama)
Fieldable Products and the Add to Cart Field Ryan Szrama Jan 21, 9am 25 (Shaun (not verified))
Jan. 2010 Eastern US Development Sprint Ryan Szrama Jan 12, 8am 2 (Bojhan Somers (not verified))
Notes on development standards Ryan Szrama Dec 29, 10am 3 (dido (not verified))
Root level entities and systems notes Ryan Szrama Nov 26, 9am 5 (redben)
Why the name Ubercore? Tim Nov 24, 2pm 8 (Garrett Albright)
Theater and Event Ticketing Gregory Heller Nov 19, 12am 4 (Michael M)
More Pricing Considerations chrisstrahl Nov 19, 12am 1 (Michael M)
Feedback from Pacific NW Drupal Summit session Ryan Szrama Oct 24, 5pm 1 (Mukesh Agarwal)
Notes on development process Ryan Szrama Oct 15, 7pm 1 (jody)


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