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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question How can I go directly from the cart page to checkout completion?

prices and neither payment nor billing information is needed during checkout. So to streamline the user ...
l0calh0rst — June 2013 — Cart, Checkout

Answer Answer to Question 4532

something like this, when payment status is pending then dont allow user to view order details? Thanks ...
leand — October 2012

Discussion Product not available... but I don't have stock!

product". Another user told me there was a fix/patch but as usual he didn't tell me how to fix this ...
smurf — May 2014 — 1 comment

Question How do I fetch visitors cart contents, using services api?

items are in the users cart. I would like to be able to cache all pages, except "cart view" ... and /checkout/*- using varnish. So I would like to fetch this counter of items in users cart- using ... module) can see which users cart it's suppose to fetch data from. I have found commerce_ajax_cart ...
klavs — February 2013 — Commerce Services, Cart

Answer Answer to Question 3241

to checkout for anonymous users that says, "We need you to_create an account_ before checking ... out." Why not sell a user role and then use the flag module to let them "build" their ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — April 2013

Answer Answer to Question 3975

something an attribute. ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — October 2012

Discussion commerce pdf invoice not work as intendet

Hi drupal commerce users, I tried to get 'commerce pdf invoice'-module to work. But it ...
conscience — May 2012 — 5 comments

Answer Answer to Question 8719

views_handler_area {  function render ($empty = FALSE) {    global $user;     if (user_access ('create answer ... content', $user)) {      // Build an empty Answer node object for use on the form.       $node = (object) ... array(        'uid' => $user-> uid,         'name' => (isset($user-> name)? ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — April 2014

Discussion Event ticket use case

Hi, I'm using Drupal commerce for an event registration website. When we sell event tickets as product we would require Attendee names and details for each ticket. we used line item field to store attendees details. However, we would need an extra fe ...
kooroach — November 2011 — 2 comments

Question Price Components Summary

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I am trying to create a view with a summary of Price Components per user and ... UserPoints- aka "Royalties", Shipping, etc. I am trying to show users on the site what their total ...
Ravenight — February 2013 — , Views, Price
