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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.
Blog What's new in the Commerce 2.10 release?
your merchant and only give it the “Book: View products” permission, you’d expect users with that role ... access API in Drupal Commerce itself that filtered entity loading queries based on user permissions. To ... making it possible to apply further filtering (e.g. only show the user’s own store). Next we will extend ...

Blog Contributor Spotlight: Joël Pittet
vastly different practices and requirements, and the Commerce people obviously;) Users of Commerce ...

Module Commerce Kiala
user documentation on the Marketplace. Features Kiala shipping services allow customers to choose ...
recrit — September 2012 — 356 Installs
Module Commerce USPS
Attention Users of 7.x-1.x-dev USPS has changed their API causing most rate requests with this ...

Discussion Show order amount in mail notification
Hello. Is there a way to display the total order amount in the mail sent to the customer, after the order is complete? regards Rene ...
User2011 — November 2011 — 3 comments
Discussion Wrong total order price
checkout block / line items in the database) if the user ads more than one product to the cart and plays ...
User2011 — January 2012 — 1 comment
Discussion Pricelist per user (Custom price per product and per user)
Hi, I have a complicated situation! I need one pricelist per user! What I mean: I have 500 ... customers that have different price per product on my ERP. So one pricelist per user. I have 1000 products. ... So, have I need to create 500x1000=500000 rules? I search something about pricelist er user to use ...
Module Square module
Square. An Square module is now available for all Drupal Commerce users. No payments coding required: ...
Blog Using permissions to allow users to create products This user, golubovicm, has asked "Edit own products permission" is not working! First ... wondering how to set up a user to create, edit, and delete their own products. So, we've created ... create a view to help users see a list of products they can edit. In the screencast, I didn't ...

Documentation Anonymous Checkout & User Registration
completing checkout Redirect to login page before checking out If you want to send users over to a customized ... module redirects anonymous users to a page where they can login or create a new account when they try to ... pane is for unregistered users and one for logged-in users. Still under development. Commerce Checkout ...