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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion Adding payment to access custom entity.

I am currently working on a paid customized seminar/tutoring site for a client. I have created a custom "Seminar" entity, that includes all of the proper permissions, processes, displays, etc.. for the student to interact with the tutor. The stu ...
MarkLT1 — October 2012 — 1 comment

Discussion Conditional fields

I would find it extremely useful if the module Conditional Fields or an equivalent function could go along with Commerce and products. ...
rlegrand — January 2012 — 4 comments

Discussion User created items

I would like to allow my users to create and sell their own items. Is there a clean way of doing this? I mainly want to make sure they are not able to alter other users' items. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! ...
jdeprato — November 2011 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 4107

page is building the view?? On one it the field being part of the node is ok, but if the field is part ... of the variation it is not??? The problem is, if I use the field as part of the node, it breaks ...
gibry21 — June 2013

Discussion using "product display" instead of "product" bundle when using Search API / Facets and Views

product node page. I cannot use relationships in the view since the only available relationship is " ...
gerrit1978 — May 2012 — 1 comment

Discussion Bestsellers View

Hi guys. Wonder if anybody could help with creating a Bestsellers view. I'm currently weighing up whether Drupal Commerce is the right eCommerce system for an upcoming project. I use Drupal 7 a lot, and I love it, especially the ease with which you c ...
ruralcreative — July 2012 — 5 comments — bestsellers block, views

Discussion Product VIEWS display not showing up for Anonymous users

I'm a bit stumped by what seems like a simple Permissions issue, however, I can not find the solution in the Permissions or any access control settings. (I'm a Commerce noob, but relatively experienced with Drupal) I created a Product listing vi ...
crooker — August 2012 — 11 comments

Discussion Product Pricing from other Fields

I need to implement separate pricing for users different roles on my site, by choosing between a "member price" and a "non-member" price. To implement the two different prices, I've set it up so that my products have two additiona ...
zabelc — June 2011 — 2 comments

Answer Answer to Question 10250

piece of puzzle it seems. Reference create-alphabetical-pager alphabetical-sorting-of-drupal-nodes ...
aniket.mohite88 — August 2014

Answer Answer to Question 13333

relatioship list and there is nothing that allows me to call the node variation as it relate to the field ...
docans — March 2014
