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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 10719

own (as far as I know). Product Display is a NODE that is linked to a product AND it's ...
outlierdavid — November 2013 — 1 comment

Discussion New install can't click products

I am sure I am missing something, but I installed on a dev site from kickstart 2 and if I click on a taxonomy or all for catalog, the product shows, but there is no way to click to the detail page. If you want to look, Thanks taxonomy ...
tresero — December 2012 — 4 comments — taxonomy

Answer Answer to Question 3633

create a product display (ie a node for "Air Jordans"), you'll add 9 products (SKUs) to ...
endcom — July 2012

Discussion Update Product Price in Product Display?

I have Created a custom line item type and a custom display as per Randy's Awesome screencasts. In my Custom Line Item Type I have added a Radio Button-Type List Field. I have created a product pricing rule that says "if a certain option is sele ...
cbrompton — December 2011 — 3 comments

Discussion Discount on Amount in Cart does not work properly

I try to add simple discount: 7% if total sum is grater than $60 At admin/commerce/config/taxes/types i have new type: discount At admin/commerce/config/taxes i created new tax rate Discount 7% (component) In this component i created condition “Data compa ...
grzegorz.bartman — September 2012 — 14 comments — discount, discounts

Discussion EU VAT

Dear All, I am creating a webshop, using commerce module. I set up, that if a customer wants to pay his items, the VAT (27%, based on the Hungarian laws) is added to the end of the list and the final amount is accumulated with the amount of VAT. Also the ...
memil — September 2012 — 5 comments

Discussion multiple prices per product

Hi, i need to have 2 different prices per product: one for the customer and one for the trader. the price for the trader is individual and not calculated by an discount. i created a second price field so every product has now 2 price fields. commerce is s ...
maze — October 2011 — 6 comments

Discussion How do I modify the theme of my Kickstart 2 site?

I have installed Commerce Kickstart 2 and am happy with the default theme however I need to make changes to colouring etc. of the theme. I roughly know how to sub theme a site, but I'm struggling to sub theme my kickstart site because I'm not su ...
Carl Bowles — September 2013 — 7 comments

Discussion Attaching manufacturer and details to products

G'day I have used Drupal itself for a few years but not the e-commerce portion. I am using Drupal 7.9 with DrupalCommerce 1.0 Jumping a site from a Virtuemart, I am trying to find references on how to attach manufacturers to products and record detai ...
ldbdragon — October 2011 — 3 comments

Discussion How to make option for product (example color)

How to add options (dropdown) to product? Example to choose color for product. Exactly like this: How it is done? ...
ace11 — December 2011 — 1 comment
