Adding product image field to view


I'm using Drupal 7.28 along with the Commerce 7.x-1.9 module

Basically the image and the description fields are both on the Product Type not the content type as each product has its own description and image.

In my view I now need to add the image field, but I can't add it, which I believe is because the field isn't in the content type.

When I add the 'Content: Referenced Products' relationship to the view, I am then able to add the image field to my view.

Posted: May 29, 2014

Sell Advert nodes - copying Product Display fields to new entity node

I have a product type called "Ad top". Two custom fields: Duration (taxonomy term: 1,3,6,9,12 months) and Pages (Taxonomy term: Homepage, Other pages).
I created 10 products of the Ad top to cover all variations of Duration and Pages, each product has different price.
Then I created a Product Display: "Top Ad" with reference to all 10 products. When I view it I have two Dropdowns: Duration and Pages. depending on the dropdowns price changes as expected.

Posted: May 28, 2014

Using drupal 7 commerce feeds, how can I import the node reference images?

I have followed the drupal commerce guide on this site. All of my products have been imported and show up in the store. When I attempt to import the Product Reference's everything is good except the images won't show up. Can someone point me in the right direction ?

i can view the image url so i know its not a permissions issue, also the CSV is similar to the one used in the example on this site.

Posted: Nov 7, 2012
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