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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 3398

in-depth as far as tying an order to a user. I ended up going the Rules route which worked out for me from ...
BD3 — April 2013

Answer Answer to Question 4365 ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — December 2012

Discussion Text format option hidden

I'm sure this must be something obvious, but for some reason I cannot see my "Text format" option under text entry fields when I edit content for the Basic Page type that comes with Commerce Kickstart. I see the option for Blog content and ...
meltingsand — January 2013 — 2 comments — text formatting

Question Condition commerce_order_contains_product always evaluates to false

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hi I'm trying to use a Rule to assign a Role to a user who purchases ...
glennnz — August 2012 — 1 comment — Rules, conditions

Discussion Which Payment Gateways for India, Italy, Japan, Denmark, Norway, United Arab Emirates, Singapore

Drupal Commerce modules. Many thanks, Paul Johnson payment gateways ...
pdjohnson — November 2012 — 2 comments — payment gateways

Question Drupal 7. When editing the content type appears this error.

([:language] => ru [:source] => Configure how content input by users is filtered, including allowed HTML ... Array ([:language] => ru [:source] => A field which is not visible to the user, but is recorded ...
Di — November 2013 — 1 comment — drupal 7

Discussion Installments

Hi i would like to have an option it the payment methods that the user can specify how much ...
pit_zavra — January 2012 — 8 comments

Discussion Commerce and varnish

Har anyone tried using Varnish on a Drupal Commerce website? Would it work with shopping carts and other cookie-related stuff? ...
AdamGerthel — November 2011 — 11 comments

Question How can I add a snipet to the HTML head?

Vote up! 0 Vote down! We developed a commerce site and some of our users that use IE9 have their ...
dlz2157 — August 2013 — HTML head, Theme, html, ie

Discussion Someone please tell me if this is possible

battle. Here are my plans. A site where users of a given role can sell their products on my site. The ... pieces of work. The one off side I've sorted with the Stock module. Once a user has created ...
quercus020 — December 2011 — 4 comments
