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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion Travel tour booking system

Hi, I'm building an event booking system for a travel tour company. It's pretty straightforward: several tour types, a calendar, shopping cart integration, a display how many seats are available per date, and close that tour date when sold out e ...
alltag — March 2011 — 7 comments

Discussion How to add Custom CSV Headers with Commerce Feeds

Importer and Feed Node Importer? I wand to add the following information to each imported product so i dont ...
ISO — October 2011 — 6 comments

Answer Answer to Question 3744

new Store item content type, go to /node/add/store-item Give it a generic title, like Shirts instead ... to charge as the visitors select different options. Save your Store item and when you view this node ...
Anonymous (not verified) — November 2012

Question Issues installing Commerce Kickstart v7.28 Core and having issues installing. I have copied over the files onto the FTP webserver and configured ... "); @import url(" "); @import ...

Question "Active" licenses returning "403 Error- Access Denied" on previous purchases

purchases. I logged this error a while ago on as well: Please ...
Hendrik Martens — February 2013 — 1 comment — Downloads

Discussion usps shipping not working

i installed the module usps shipping and configured it to use my username and the production url however when checking out i get No shipping rates found for your order. i am not using the flat rate, i deleted that service. is there somewhere that i need t ...
ariban99 — March 2013 — 6 comments

Discussion View of product displays.

I made a view of the product displays like in this video tutorial by Randy Fay: I have a 1 product display of a shoe, referenced to 12 producttypes (the same shoe in several sizes) Now the view shows all the 12 producttypes seper ...
Dreamwebs — April 2012 — 2 comments

Discussion Can not manage to display currency symbol instead of code-or- can I just remove the currency portion of the price

I am pricing products in ILS- Israel Sheqel Prices are appearing as ILS 12.34 instead of ₪ 12.34 (there is a symbol there, you may not be able to see it depending on your fonts/system) The core code seems to support using the symbol, as it's describe ...
photoboy — May 2012 — 10 comments

Discussion Business Directory out of the box?

a able to pay to submit a node with varying options... i.e Free for bronze listing (Business name, ... cancelled the node would revert to the basic listing. *Emails to be sent out to remind when subscriptions ...
recedo — October 2011 — 1 comment

Discussion newsletter and drupal commerce

i have a problem i am using a newsletter module and when 3 products are created with commerce it sends a newsletter the problem is that i cant make the tokens to appear in the email that has beeing sent. example product-price, product image etc. i figured ...
pit_zavra — February 2012 — 5 comments
