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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Add a View selection setting to the "Line item View" display formatter

Vote up! 0 Vote down! This is the same question found here: I was ...
ewyglend — February 2013 — Views, Line Item, Custom Line Item

Discussion Showing related products

node. The information comes from the product itself. All the products have a field called 'display ... get it to work. My second try was to edit the product display node template itself. I am able to get ...

Discussion shipping discount

I need to create a shipping discount based on certain SKUs. I am pretty new to Drupal and do not have a programmers background. So far I have done well with self-teaching through various screen casts and online training. BUT I can't figure this out. ...
marionsmarket — May 2012 — 2 comments

Discussion Commerce Feeds creating Duplicate product display types

Hello I've been importing products and product display types for a long time with no problems. On the last import i've have tried to do there seem to be some kind of problem with the Product reference import i do, however. It creates duplicates ...
smash — February 2012 — 6 comments

Discussion Images as "select-list" of Add-to-cart-form

On a site where we sell lets say... Mugs:) There are mugs "with ear" and "without ear". Mugs without ear in colors: white and black Mugs wit ear in colors: red and green So I made one product-type "mugs" SKU title M1 Mug with ...
latulipeblanche — April 2011 — 8 comments

Discussion "Add to cart" form using AJAX

Anyone edited the "Add to cart" form in order to use AJAX to insert products in the cart without reloading the page and showing a "Product added to cart" message popup in the center of the page? Any hint on how to do that? cart add to ...
Copyfight — November 2012 — 3 comments — cart, add to cart

Discussion customer user roles for price?

is there anyway on this to set roles for customer users to show different prices and even extra (or less) products? ...
peterthimaging — August 2011 — 1 comment

Question Sub product dropdown uder parent products on the cart page

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I am looking for a way to create sub products that will show as a dropdown list after a product parent has been added to the cart. So there will be parent product and child products. Child products only show in the cart after a paren ...
docans — March 2014 — 1 comment — sub-products

Answer Answer to Question 3548 ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — September 2012

Discussion providing multiple products to buy in a single add to cart form

After days of trying, asking for support on this forum is my last option. I am building a website selling sim cards and the design should be as follows 1 page (add to cart form) on which you first will be able to select your sim card and than will be able ...
Sem — February 2013 — 7 comments — multiple products, add to cart, product display
