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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Product categories with hierarchical taxonomy

Rendered Node Content: Product category Multiple field settings Display all values in the same row-> ... because the grouping field is my node terms and not the one of my contextual filter. Is there any other ...

Answer Answer to Question 6587

sure what css file):.content.node-product-display.container-24.grid-24{float:left;} Not sure what ...
darri — February 2013

Question Restrict product to one customer only

restrict access to the product as a node or entity to one UID (that of the account created above) Then ...
TechnoTim2010 TechnoTim2010 — May 2013 — Rules, user

Discussion Testing site with fake credit card or sandbox

I am trying to create an online store that will only be selling downloadable content. I have no experince setting up a commerce system and I am wondering is there a way I can test the site? I want to put a sample item up and price it at $20 and then buy i ...
scampbell70 — January 2012 — 6 comments

Discussion Cross-sell, Up-sell in drupal 7

Hello everybody, I'am new in drupal commerce world, I need your help about how to use Cross-sell and Up-sell in drupal commerce, I searched all over the web, I concluded that is possible, but no clear method. thank you in advance. ...
sbadia — December 2011 — 5 comments

Discussion Why is my unmodified default front page messed up?

Hi, I just updated to the new drupal commerce. I noticed my default front page is messed up and everything is almost on default settings... This demo has 3 things that scroll through that I can click on: My site has all th ...
stephenevans — March 2015 — 1 comment

Discussion [SOLVED] Programagical types and products.

so, following on from the origonal question found here: Im getting- ...
N1ghteyes — August 2013 — 2 comments — commerce products, Install Error

Discussion Product image on cart form

Does anyone know how you can get a product's image to show on the shopping cart form? In product types there is a line item display and I've added all the fields I want there including the products image but this does not seem to affect the cart ...
magicmyth — November 2011 — 28 comments

Discussion Restricting Sales of Specific Products Based on Geography with Rules

Hello I am trying to use rules to restrict customers from buying certain products in states and cities where they are illegal (ie slingshots in New Mexico). I know this can be done, but I cannot seem to find the right combination. For actions, I need to r ...
tyreldenison — December 2011 — 1 comment

Question Custom add to cart form with two product displays

ticket)- Workshop (linked the 2 products for the workshop). When I go to the view of the node, the form ... works well. Here is the problem; I can't find a way to combine the two created nodes in one form ...
fossie — February 2013 — Cart, Product Bundle
