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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 7666

the Inline Entity Form (as in Kickstart 2.x), you'll end up having to modify the node edit form ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — April 2013

Answer Answer to Question 7672

Click the "manage display" link for the product display node type you're using to display ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — April 2013

Discussion Magazine/Journal Subscription

Has anyone done any work with a magazine or journal subscription?-- the product is the subscription itself and the deliverable being X number of issues? I can see maybe bundling the x issues into a product but that would mean a whole mess of products out ...
EmersonWeb — March 2012 — 4 comments

Discussion Checkout button

Hey everyone. I'm very new to drupal commerce and am having problems with it. I have followed the userguide on this and have been able to create and display a product list and product types and so on, but when i log on as an authenticated user, i can ...
frankenstein246 — June 2011 — 9 comments

Discussion Product options setup

Hi I have a product display with 2 products, so that a customer can chose which one to select, let s say one can cose between Product Big (20 cents) and Product Small (10 cents). I then used Commerce Product Options and Commerce Product Attributes so the ...
ioioio — January 2012 — 5 comments

Answer Answer to Question 10250

Vote up! 0 Vote down! it's been a week, anyone? ...
castcrus — October 2013 — 2 comments

Discussion Store hours

with Randy Fay's discount videos ( thanks Randy!) and, if ...
switch — October 2011 — 1 comment

Discussion Drupal Commerce or Commerce Kickstart?

i've just finished Drupal Commerce, the teacher recommends to install kickstart for the lesson, did and i completed the lesson just fine. now i'm ready to do a live site on a host. i don't know if i should install Drupal Commerce ...
TimesArrow — March 2012 — 1 comment

Discussion views- after press "add to cart" button it redirect me to first view page

Hello, i have view of product displays (about 20 product displays, 6 per page). Now if someone is on second or third page, and press "add to cart" button, he is redirected to first page of view (views dont remember page where he was). I want vie ...
stef — February 2012 — 3 comments

Discussion I need help understanding data selectors

Hi! I help run an online course registration/payment system for a small college. We're currently using Ubercart, but I think a redesign of our store coupled with DrupalCommerce and its integration with Rules will solve some of the issues we're h ...
steenbob — August 2011 — 4 comments
