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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion PHP Memory

PHP Fatal Memory Error ...
teknojon — July 2012 — 4 comments — PHP Memory, Drupal 7 commerce

Question Variable pricing based on range values] Price Product Attributes ...
FINeX — April 2013 — 1 comment — Price, Product Attributes

Discussion Hide "Add to cart"- Button for guests

Hello! Guests should have the permission to see the products of the shop, but not to add them to a cart. How can I do that? Thanks, Marc ...
dasmoermel — February 2012 — 6 comments

Discussion Different email notification per different payment method

Hi folks! I m struggling since a week to setting email notification order to send two different email depending by payment system method. For exemple: I d like when user select Paypal system payment to receive a custom email. Or when a user select Bank Tr ...
maxfalduto Max falduto — January 2013 — 6 comments

Discussion Customizable/Configurable Products

cupolas, etc- completely separate products with separate product display nodes. However, I need some way to ...
cdstamper — March 2012 — 1 comment

Question Round Display Price with Condition

Multicurrency 7.x-1.3. I have two currency, IDR and USD. I want to round my display price (in views and node ...

Discussion Calculate shipping rate based on postal code (Shipping 2.x)

Hi! I would like to add a rule that will change the shipping fee for a specific amount based on the postal code field the user gave. For example: If you want your stuff to be shipped to Smalltown, you will to pay $10 for shipping and if you want it to Awe ...
balintd — January 2012 — 4 comments

Discussion User sets price (pay what you want scheme) But that seems to set the new price for a product to be the price that all users see. What I want ...
timothybeamish — February 2012 — 1 comment

Discussion Commerce Reporting and Ranking Extra Views

Can someone with better views skills, build some view in txt format ready to import: Views Wishlist: new_products: Block view displaying the most recently added products popular_products: Block view displaying the products which has sold the highest quant ...
Stefan — July 2011 — 1 comment

Discussion Product Catalogue

Hello All, Really enjoying Drupal 7 and Drupal Commerce, thanks a lot Ryan. I can see it's pretty powerful but I'm in the middle of a very steep learning curve here. I'm new to this, so any help from experienced users would be great. I want ...
jacob — March 2011 — 6 comments
