Commerce Paypal WPS not showing under "Disabled payment method rules"
I cannot enable the paypal WPS module! It does not show up under "Disabled payment method rules". It simply says: "There are no disabled payment methods."
I have followed all instructions to the letter multiple times to no avail. By the way, I looked at the MYSQL database and there are no tables for Commerce Paypal. Shouldn't the installer create tables as shown in the commerce_paypal.install file?
Enable the submodule you want
There are two submodules, wps and wpp. You have to enable the one you want.
Submodule is enabled...still no way to enable WPS
Thank you very much for the reply. I did that...under modules menu. By the way, I followed exactly the instructions in the video. But when I go to store > configure > payment methods, WPS is NOT THERE!
I'm having the same problem. First I had the same issue with shipping methods. I just started upgrading and got it to work finally, but I'm not entirely sure how. BUT NOW . . . PayPal doesn't show up under disabled payment methods. So I guess I can have either payment or shipping but not both. I have googled and googled and this is the first instance of the issue I've come across. And there's no solution. My clients are getting really frustrated and so am I! Someone please help us!
More information please...
I just tried enabling commerce_paypay_wps on a plain vanilla Commerce Kickstart dev environment and it worked fine; the rule appeared.
Can you give much more detail about your environment and perhaps other items installed? Are you using the current dev release with Commerce 1.1?
Here's what I see:

Same problem with
We are having the identical issue with and commerce Cheque modules running up to date installs of everything.
I will look at a database
If somebody will provide me with a tarball of files and a database dump of a site having this problem, I'll take a look at it. You can dropbox it (or whatever) to [email protected]. Please reference this URL and give a step-by-step about how to demonstrate the problem.
Will send that over shortly....and much appreciated...
Possibly making progress, DEFINITELY NEED HELP!!!
Ok, while I still don't have the disabled rule for Authorize.Net or Commerce Cheque, I did find that if you make a new rule from scratch (I cloned the example payment), the actions for receiving payment from, cheque, and Paypal are available.
I tried to do a test payment with an sandbox. After completing my review of the order and specifying my payment type, I hit "continue to next step." It then goes to the "Checkout Complete" screen. At no point was I asked for any credit card details so I am assuming that this was a dismal failure.
On the plus side, the "send a cheque to..." instructions did appear below the payment method check boxes. Is that all this module is supposed to do? Is there more to it that I am not seeing?
So I guess this might be progress. If someone could share the correct Events, Conditions, and Actions for these payment methods we could just make up the rules by hand, right? Imperfect solution but whatever gets us there is fine by me.
Happy ending for our site, though puzzling
The rules for enabling seemingly spontaneously appeared. As far as I am aware nothing had changed, nor had we done anything to cause this. Thank you Randy for taking a look at it. Puzzled, but relieved that it is working.
Something happened :-)
So I'd like to know why more than one person has experienced this.
If you're having trouble with this, please make sure, of course, that you've cleared all caches. Wish we'd discovered what was going on :-(
Glad it's working, though.
Problems here too
I am also taking the course using the version of kickstart off of and the paypal wps is not showing up. Has there been a solution found?