[SOLVED] Programagical types and products.
Hi guys,
I origonally posted up in the drupal module forums, but it was suggested i posted here so, following on from the origonal question found here:
Im getting -
FieldException: Attempt to create an instance of field commerce_price without a bundle. in field_create_instance() (line 481 of /home/signdes/public_html/modules/field/field.crud.inc).
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
When installing with this in the install hook:
* Implements hook_install().
function cg_commerce_signs_install() {
$product_type = commerce_product_ui_product_type_new();
$product_type['type'] = 'commerce_sign';
$product_type['name'] = t('Commerce Sign');
$product_type['description'] = t('A commerce sign product type.');
$product_type['is_new'] = TRUE;
commerce_product_ui_product_type_save($product_type, TRUE);
My understanding of this error is because the product type is missing, so the question for now is how do i programatically create a product type on install? (essentually a content type)
Fixed this issue, it was
Fixed this issue, it was being caused by a missing key in hook_commerce_product_type_info().
Can you post the full snippet
Can you post the full snippet that is working?
And perhaps elaborate on why you are wanting a hook_install that creates a product type? Maybe as an export?