
unique products with no variations never >1 - where to with fields ??

Hi Everyone !

Have built a couple of stores with ubercart + D6. Now building first store with D7 Commerce (Kickstart2) And adding fields. But never had a customer who needed variations ...

Have done quite a bit of research and always found:
- If field for all variations, then display node.
- If field for different variations, then product variation.

But what if products do no have variations at all !?
I specialize in the branch of collectors. There are no variations on a single item because every product is a rare item which people can be happy to find once at all.
So where to with fields; into the product or the node ?

What's the difference in this case between adding the fields into display node or product variation? Does it matter?

Help very much appreciated.

Posted: Nov 1, 2012


Joel Wallis Jucá on November 19, 2012

Put them all in the Product entity. The Product fields are integrated with the Node fields, so you can manage the display from the Manage display right from your node type page.

I created a solution to keep products and displays synchronized when creating/editing/excluding products, so you can simplify the usage of Drupal Commerce by just eliminating the display management and providing in Product management only.
