Commerce Module Tuesday: Commerce Google Analytics
Welcome to another Commerce Module Tuesday! Today we are looking at Commerce Google Analytics, maintained by Lucio Waßill. We will go through setting up Google Analytics for your Drupal Commerce store.
If you are not already using an analytics package to track how your site is being used and gather information, you really should be doing so. Setting up Google Analytics is pretty quick and easy and is free. GA also has Ecommerce capabilities as well.
The Commerce Google Analtyics module for Drupal Commerce allows you to put order information such as product name, SKU, shipping amounts, tax, etc. into Google Analytics. You can use this information alongside other data to answer questions you have about your visitors and analytics data like “What sources convert,” “What is my average order value?,” and “How long does it take to convert a customer?”. You can also use it to help refine your funnels.