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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion Show price with tax and without tax on product display

I am going to set a tax rate in kickstart for VAT. Is it possible, and if so how can I show on the product display the price including and excluding VAT. EG so on the product display it says Price: £16.00 and underneath excluding VAT: £12.80 Thanks ...
Carl Bowles — September 2013 — 7 comments

Question Change Order Status on Custom payment Method transaction success?

payments instead of currency payments. There is no off-site or credit card payments, the user will pay from ...
sathishdevan — April 2013 — order status

Answer Answer to Question 8417

your steps, users can no longer edit, view or create Billing Addresses in their profiles, which is ... allowing users to create/edit/view their Billing Address again, even if it doesn't appear anywhere and ...
rvalkass — June 2013

Question Specific Fields on Product Page Required

user will enter a customer reference number / unique transaction id that will then generate a product ...
antpowerWD — February 2014 — fields views forms

Discussion Product images options

there any option to tell what images should be shown public and others only for registered users or ...
jalves — July 2012 — 1 comment

Discussion Linked attributes

t-shirts can be black and yellow, unisex t-shirts can be green and white. How I can create it, so if user ...
Maestro — July 2011 — 3 comments

Question Deleted commerce_customer_shipping field in order fields

using this field to 'Assign an anonymous order to a pre-existing user'. So I wanted to enable ...
bvdh — August 2013 — Shipping, Troubleshooting

Question Drupal Commerce Class Registration & Payments

it with Drupal Kickstart 2 please? I would need users to be able to purchase class, if space in ...
mixicek — January 2014 — commerce, registration, Payment, class

Question How can my customers manage shipping and billing info on account pages?

I have is the default Drupal user name, email address and history information shown. I would like the ...

Discussion Is there a solution to a huge amount of product variations?

demand so tracking stock is not an issue. What I want is the user picks their colours and uploads their ...
_ianw — August 2013 — 3 comments — Product Variations, upload
