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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 6755

Vote up! 1 Vote down! is this required for anonymous users? if so, that's tricky. if it were ... me, I'd try to find some way to get the user to choose their closest store... it can be a splash ... dialog that pops up after the user has been on the site for more than say three minutes asking their ...
drupalability — April 2013

Question How to use anothers price fields of product type in a new rules?

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I need to calculate the price for different users roles and quantity for ...

Discussion Affiliate module

as an affiliate" and "use custom affiliate codes". The first role gives each user ... However, the user can have more than one affiliate code. If he has the "use custom affiliate ... affiliate codes which can be used to bring users to the site. That way he can track different campaigns and ...
bojanz Bojan Zivanovic — May 2010 — 11 comments

Answer Answer to Question 10462

& ajax. The module redirect user to login if want create order. ...
sibiru — October 2013

Answer Answer to Question 10453

display them depending on user's role or display only on "admin/commerce/orders/*" page If ...
malovanets — October 2013

Discussion Commerce upload image with order

been selected from the users computer, and even if one has been selected it does not upload the image, ...
Joeuk — September 2014 — 3 comments

Discussion UI/UX Benchmark of existing solutions

It would be great list some benchmark info about how other solutions tackle the user interface ...
redben — February 2010 — 4 comments

Discussion Disable checkout pane based on cart

in the cart then an additional checkout pane is shown where the user needs to provide additional ... to capture additional information about the user which will not be needed for other products. Any ...
z_khn06 — October 2011 — 1 comment

Question How to get custom product line item text field value?

impossible to do, is to get the value that the user entered to that field. For example, when the user has ... 'placed' to a variable so i can do whatever i like with it, for example display it back to the user or ...

Answer Answer to Question 13880

could have negative user experience implications. If you really want to move it, hook_form_alter() is ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — August 2014
