Why does the cart page change my product price, after setting the price with a product rule?
I have a rule, that does the following:
1 Data comparison to evaluate the product
2. Data Comparison to evaluate the product type
3. Entity has field commerce product
4. Entitty has commerce product, commerce price
5. User has Member role
6. Commerce Line Item -- set price to specific amount.
Everything works great and rules debug comes back working properly on the product page. The price is lowered only for the specific product by the user with a specfic role!! PERFECT
But, as soon as go to the shopping cart page...it changes the price back and the rules debug shows the data comparison now reads false and the rule won't fire.
Why is this??
Thank you
Also all of the other portion of the rule...entity has field, user role, come back as true and works perfectly, but no matter where I put the "Data Comparison" portion of the rule into the conditional lineup, the rule breaks and returns false.
Any help?