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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 4772

['field_name']['#access'] = user_is_logged_in ();?> ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — March 2013 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 45479 Migration is usually an hard work. Feed module could be very useful to import content, users ...
Tiikeri — November 2016

Answer Answer to Question 9355

a customer who also had a user account and made a purchase, so I know the commerce addressbook module code is ... definitely working properly. On a hunch, I created a user account as a test for one of my anonymous ... customers-- associated the customer profile with the user account, and then one of the orders associated with ...
Andrew_Imagine — September 2013

Discussion how to sell a subscription service

after user registration, so I didn't find tools to apply this idea. So I hope your community help ...
morad7 — December 2014 — 1 comment — subscription, recurring

Question administer order item price locked

Vote up! 0 Vote down! Hi, I need to change a price for a specific user who added to cart the items ... price, its blocked! if its status changes to pending then everything opens up, but then the user cant go ...

Discussion Auto restrict webforms

for each time a webform is completed by the user. Is this possible? Ideally the user would complete ...
rc1585 — February 2012 — 1 comment

Question Why does the cart page change my product price, after setting the price with a product rule?

has commerce product, commerce price 5. User has Member role 6. Commerce Line Item-- set price to ... The price is lowered only for the specific product by the user with a specfic role!! PERFECT But, as ...
bhylenski — October 2013 — 1 comment — drupal commerce, product pricing

Question How to disable quantity widget on shopping cart page.

($form_id == 'views_form_commerce_cart_form_default') {global $user; $cart ... = commerce_cart_order_load($user->uid); //$in_cart = FALSE; foreach (commerce_order_load_multiple(array(), array('status' => ...
Faadz — March 2016 — Shopping Cart, commerce

Discussion How prepared are Drupal 8 + Commerce 2.0 to handle high volume e-commerces?

check the stock for the closest Distribution Center when user checks out. Also if a particular product ... is out of stock in all of our Distribution centers, it shouldn't be visible to the user (or ... maybe marked as "out of stock") even in the home page. Ideally the user woulbe be able to buy ...
jfbaro — December 2015 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 31861

function HOOK_node_view_alter(&$build) {  if(!user_access('wholesale permission')) {    ...
DNZ Andy @ BlueFusion — January 2015
