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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Discussion Invoice a Customer and Have Them Pay Later

manually, then assign the user as the Owner of the Order. However, when I go to the Payment tab to pay, only ... wrong way completely? Only users on the site can make payments, so we don't have to worry about ... anon users. invoice bill payment ...
BD3 — June 2012 — 9 comments — invoice, bill, payment

Discussion Billing information autocomplet

autocomplet with user registration field. how i do that? Name, City, Country, Address, etc... to auto complet ...
hannah_irina — January 2012 — 3 comments

Documentation Modifying the Shopping Cart using Views

contextual filter, be sure to provide default value and select "Current user's cart order ID." ... IMPORTANT: Supply Default Value and choose current user's order ID 114.02 KB Add a relationship to ...
smokinggoat — August 2012 — Commerce Kickstart 7.x-1.x — Status: No Known Problems

Question How do I create a discount manually for a specific order?

a discout to a specific user in a specific order? In example: A user completes an order of $100. The order ... involves a shipped item The shipped item arrives a little later than expected. The user calls to complain. ...
Rosamunda — April 2013 — Discount

Question How to add subheading in Orders Page

Vote up! 0 Vote down! In the url, user/%user/orders/%commerce_order (or user/1/orders/1) also ...
akosipax — March 2013 — Order, Theming

Question Multiple Orders in one Cart

Vote up! 1 Vote down! Can you have multiple orders in one Cart? As an anonymous user, you can add ... anonymous user. At checkout, you log in. The current item in your cart is the current order(order #2) ... order #1 automatically show in order #2. Essentially, there would only be one active order per user ...
ronmorton — June 2013 — Orders

Answer Answer to Question 43338

for a specific node based on either the user's role, author, the specific product purchased, ...
tjohnston Travis — December 2015

Discussion Translate product's field label and Text fields label/data

translation because I see "Field translation Users may translate all occurrences of this field: ...
ziobudda — November 2013 — 3 comments

Question Add custom profile field as add-to-cart attribute?

(5 values max) where users can enter their kids names. I want to add these to the add to cart form as ... only returns one row as the user entity. Any ideas of alternative approaches are greatly appreciated, ...
Tom Gee — September 2014 — attributes line_item

Question Updating order status

I tried doing so as USER#1 at admin/commerce/orders/6/edit but I get the following error: The username ... Test Dude does not exist. The funny thing is there is a user called Test Dude on the system. I am ...
sisko — July 2013 — commerce paypal wps
