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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question Enabling HTML Mail

class="order"><a href=" http://ks.localhost:8082/user/1/orders/8">#8</a></span>, placed on ...
pxs — May 2013 — email html plain text

Answer Answer to Question 9287

work like a Movie Theater admission! =) After that an email is send to the user so he can print is ...
sw3b — September 2013

Answer Answer to Question 6336

a great module, I had to abandon my approach using the Commerce Fieldgroup Panes module. Once the user ... was providing a minimal filter experience for the user. My approach was to provide an additional ...
jstrosch — January 2013

Blog Improving the Experience of Commerce Bundles

Commerce Bundles, while very powerful, isn’t exactly the most user-friendly from a UI standpoint. ... available to end users. Grab a copy of the export Rules and import the rules. Customize to your liking. ...
nvahalik Nicholas Vahalik — April 2014 — 1 comment

Answer Answer to Question 9161

random, arbitrary discounts on a per-user basis, though, you'll need something more robust. In that ...
Ryan Ryan Szrama — August 2013

Discussion Discount on Amount in Cart

I have been trying to set up a discount based on the amount a customer spends. If the customer spends $70 or more they get 10% off or if they spend $100 they get 12% and so on.... But I have been unable to get this to work via rules. I tried to set a rule ...
scott.carlton — November 2011 — 9 comments

Discussion Product Pricing from other Fields

I need to implement separate pricing for users different roles on my site, by choosing between ...
zabelc — June 2011 — 2 comments

Answer Answer to Question 3553

because the price is recalculated per-user and we wouldn't want to say to an anonymous user that they ...
joshmiller Josh Miller — April 2013

Discussion Complex Product Options and Attributes

user selects an option Here is what I need... A product display with radio buttons for the options The ...
jess — September 2011 — 3 comments

Discussion Multiple quantity fields on one product display page

there, allowing the user to choose what language they want the book to come in and then add to cart with ...
samleinen — July 2012 — 2 comments — views, quantity, add to cart
