iDeal, Dutch payment
iDeal is widely used in the Netherlands for payments directly with the customers bank. An iDeal payment module is almost manditary to make Drupal Commerce be addopted in the Netherlands.
Ar there any projects going on implementing iDeal. Is there a payment-module-framework to start with? I am no coder, but really need this for an upcomming project.
I found someone had
I found someone had intentions to develop one:
I've not tested it, but looking at the code, it looks like it's just *starting* code and not functional at all.
ideal module
Watch - the module author is at this moment refining the framework while testing his Commerce implementation. It'll probably be released very soon now.
Supported by Ogone
Ogone includes support for iDeal payments, so you could make use of the Commerce Ogone module to handle iDeal payments.
Thanks for all the suggestions
I am looking for a payment provider that supports both iDeal and Creditcard. Ogone is one of theme, but Ogone is one of the most expensive Paymentproviders out there! And not even marginal, but by far more expensive then others.
I dont know if ICEPAY is any good or how it compares to ogone pricewise, but they also have a commerce module.
I havent tested it myself though
yeah, sorry bout that
It is just the start of a module. Didn't need it eventually.
You might try taking a look at the payment framework.
You can use iDEAL or Rabo
You can use iDEAL or Rabo OmniKassa (which is a bit less secure and user-friendly, but supports iDEAL and CC). Both modules work with Drupal Commerce and many other modules.
Redirect URL's
Do you know which url's need to be filled in for the icepay account?
Finaly there is
There is a new iDEAL payment module for Drupal Commerce named iDEAL advanced. This module is fully opensource and includes an API and payment method module for commerce.