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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Question How to grant points to the product creator after the product is sold?

For points I created a field in user account. field_balance (price type) The rule ... Malix — April 2015 — commerce checkout

Discussion a separate basket for a different type of product

simple hook or write an rule that much better: When user adds to cart the product of type A- it goes to ... standart shopping cart. But if user adds the cart the product of type "B"- it must go to shopping ...
prorokxp — October 2013 — 1 comment — Shopping Cart

Question Customer Profile and Addressfield questions

very efficient tool and the information the user receives it competent for using in shipments. Phone ...

Discussion Seat booking

Will the combination of d7 and building commerce infrastructure from the ground up mean that it will be easier to create booking systems eg theatre seats and caravan sites with finite seats/plots? seems to go partway but ...
artatac — August 2010 — 6 comments

Question How to add a field to review page?

of order data? I would like to add a checkbox to review page and store value of it for a user related ...
Bela Marai — August 2014 — support

Discussion Selling Event Tickets

I am new to Drupal Commerce and just wanted to know if the following is feasible with contributed modules. I have started playing with Kickstart and it seems to work well, but I do not see how to do stock in the way we would need. I am hoping to set up a ...
biz123 — April 2013 — 4 comments

Discussion Displaying price with and without taxes

Hi, I would like to display my product's prices with and without VAT taxes. Example: Price without tax: 1000 Price with tax: 1250 How can I do that without having my client to fill out two fields and add these prices manually? I would like to create ...
balintd — November 2012 — 6 comments

Answer Answer to Question 8751, which will allow you to log in. Do so and then go to ...
abiconsulting — July 2013

Discussion (Add to Cart) product button AJAX

I want the user to add the products to the cart with ajax, with my little knowledge of Drupal, ...
verges — August 2011 — 3 comments

Discussion Disabled rule disappears

call_user_func(rules_events_entity_unchanged) []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in ...
crossfish — October 2013 — 1 comment — rules
