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We have recently redesigned this website, which involved changing both the functionality and architecture of several parts of the site. This necessarily involved changed URLs, primarily in sections like our documentation as guides were merged and reorganized. We apologize for the broken links or search results while Google reindexes our site and hope you find what you're looking for in the search results below.

Answer Answer to Question 13461 There are also some paid tutorials out there that am not listing here. ...
garpy — December 2014

Discussion Import Problem

Hey, I've got commerce kickstart running on a BOA hosting platform (self hosted). I have set up my product types and am trying to import them using feeds and the commerce product processor. I am able to sucessfully import the products into the databa ...
johnd — March 2013 — 5 comments

Discussion Someone please tell me if this is possible

Hey guys, I've been working with Drupal Commerce for 48 hours (non stop it seems) trying to work out if DC will work for my project. At the moment it seems as though I'm fighting a losing battle. Here are my plans. A site where users of a given ...
quercus020 — December 2011 — 4 comments

Discussion Drupal Commerce dynamic Line Item update

product-display nodes have field data which my users, i:e site-editors, are allowed to configure. This ...
sisko — May 2013 — 4 comments

Discussion Theming Product Display page dependent on product type

Product Display. Is there any way to get the field product->type into the node page? display type ...
schmitt.kreatil — December 2012 — 7 comments — display, type

Answer Answer to Question 10646

display (node) add / edit form. ...
bojanz Bojan Zivanovic — November 2013

Discussion Edit "collection products" view: show child items

Hello, I'm trying to modify the default "collection products" view because I have a lot of sub-categories. For example, in the "Sample Category 1" I have a list of sub-categories with relative products. I added the sub-catergories ...
smurf — February 2014 — 6 comments — views

Question Remove cancel button from ckeckout pages

Vote up! 0 Vote down! I am using Commerce Kickstart 7.x-1.2. I 've set a rule "Apply shipping rate to an order" when a product is placed to the cart. This shipping rate is visible and calculated automatically in the cart while checkout. Unf ...
kpatsali — February 2014 — 1 comment — Checkout

Question How do I Add Pricing field to my Product Display

product set up and the price with currency is activated. However, when creating the product node, the ...

Question Is it possible to add line items to an order with rules? (not using cart or checkout module)

items, but the data selection I only have site, user, node, webform node and created entity- nothing ...
mjcarter — September 2013 — line items, Rules, webforms
