Adding image URL to product reference importer to display image in node automatically
* I have a list of URL's where the images for the products are stored on another server.
* I want to list the url along with the body and match it to an sku in the product reference importer (...or node import? Can't figure out which one, as the node import does not list SKU, and product reference import does not list body).
* I want to configure the product display so that the product display node formats the picture in the product display automatically using this URL at the upper left corner (example: <a href="product_node"><img src=""align="left" alt="Product Title"></a>) after the import without having to go into the product manually to add the HTML.
* When the picture is shown in a teaser, I want the user to be able to click on it and open the node (see code above).
I don't care about different image sizes as all the images are already thumb size anyway, and I only have one URL per SKU. Same image can be used for teaser as for the node.
I've Googled this to death and tried different things but am not able to figure it out. Any help will be appreciated.