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VAT calculation decimal problem

we found some mystical calculation error in our shop, and after testing some other shops, we've seen that this problem is everywhere the same. In the calculation of the VAT, there is a difference between the calculated price by drupal and my calculator depending on the amount of the product. It seems to me, that there is a problem with the decimal. How can i fix this?

Thanks for any idea, but i think this is a maybe unknown problem nobody seen before, because the summary and everything else is o.k.

Sunny greets from germany

Asked by: cmsfornuts
on July 23, 2012

2 Answers

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the problem still exists in Version 7.2 beta 1 - any idea or help?


Answer by: cmsfornuts
Posted: Aug 14, 2012
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An issue like this should be added to the issue queue on Drupal.org. First look through the queue and see if there is already an issue open on this.

Here are some possibles: http://drupal.org/project/issues/commerce?text=vat+decimal&status=All

Then you can contribute your solution there.

Answer by: artis
Posted: Sep 19, 2012
