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Ability to Map Multiple Attributes to Same Product?

In general, I love that there is a separate SKU for each combination of product attributes, but I was curious if there were any support for mapping one product to several attributes.

For example, if I have these attributes:

Size: 10, 12, 14, 16
Color: Red, Green

Instead of having 10 Red, 12 Red, 14 Red, 16 Red each be separate products, I would like

10 Red and 12 Red to reference Product A, and 14 Red or 16 Red to reference Product B.

However, I don't want to combine 10, 12 into one option, because there might be separate products for each combination with green, like: 10 Green = Product C, 12 Green = Product D, etc.

It seems like this would be doable by allowing the attribute fields on product varations to be multiple-select, however the interface says "Must be 1 for this field to function as an attribute selection field on Add to Cart forms."

Is there a way to accomplish what I'm describing?

Asked by: momentuminc
on October 1, 2013

2 Answers

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Answer by: ajaichandran
Posted: Oct 3, 2013


I apologize if I've missed something, but I don't believe this answers my question. I'm aware of the normal behavior where each combination of attributes can reference a different SKU. What I'm interested in achieving is allowing two combinations to map to a single SKU, in some situations. So, the combination of 10, Red and also 12, Red point to the same SKU (SKU-1). However, I can't make "10, 12" a single option, because I want 10 Green to map to SKU-2 and 12 Green to map to SKU-3. Does that make sense?

- momentuminc on October 3, 2013

Please tell me if my understanding is correct

Size 10 + Color Red - SKU1
Size 12 + Color Red - SKU2
Size 10 + Color Green- SKU3


- ajaichandran on October 3, 2013
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The functionality I'm looking for is more like:

Size 10 + Color Red OR Size 12 + Color Red = SKU1
Size 10 + Color Green = SKU2
Size 12 + Color Green- SKU3


Answer by: momentuminc
Posted: Oct 3, 2013



As far as my knowledge an SKU is a unique identifier. Sorry i dont know to do this in drupalcommerce


- ajaichandran on October 3, 2013