Shipping based on terms
I want to enable free shipiing for products from a specific category. Does anybdy have experience with this?
I want to enable free shipiing for products from a specific category. Does anybdy have experience with this?
It's relatively easy as long as you want the entire order to be free shipping. What you do is create a loop around the line items in the order and bring in a component to actually enable the shipping rate on the order if one of the line items has a taxonomy term.
Here's an example flat rate shipping rule export that does this:
And here's the component that implements the shipping rate:
I can't get this code to work and I've been googling for hours on this one.
Ideally I want the only shipping option to be flat rate "Pre-pack set shipping" if the order contains any product with term 'Pre-pack set"
I have a "Product Category" field on the product node view called "field_product_category" which is a term reference field.
I have Commerce Rules Extra but I can't get anything to do what I need, any pointers greatly appreciated.
If any one else finds this, there's a module called Commerce Taxonomy Conditions - very useful!