How do you import products using the feeds module?
Please give instructions to import products using Feeds module. Specifically, I'm looking for help with Commerce Kickstart 2.
Please give instructions to import products using Feeds module. Specifically, I'm looking for help with Commerce Kickstart 2.
My First Post as well....
tadesign is correct.
When you setup your first Product Feeder, map the relevant fields and import your products, you can't see the products on your Store>Products. So I went into the database (myphpadmin) and they are stored in the tables so the import was successful, but still they are not displayed???
To resolve this you have to create a second importer to make the product node.
I have kickstart 7.x-3.1
Modules I used :
Install the above and activate feeds > it will prompt you to active the other modules for you.
Then go back into modules and activate : Feeds Admin UI & Feeds Import
The following is on the assumption you are using a CSV file to upload your products and the feeder should be setup for this. (It's easy to do this)
So if your CSV file looks like this -
SKU,Product Name,Price,Description
1,baked beans,500,tin of baked beans in sauce
The mapping for the first importer is as follows
Product Importer Name : Product Import
Processor > Commerce Product processor
Also setup the feeder for CSV and comma delimited.
Mapping settings.
Source Target
SKU Product SKU
Product Name Product Title
Price Price amount
Import the above first. It should give you the message that 1 item was imported, you won't be able to see it in the product list at this stage...
(To Import, go to your URL i.e. Then select the importer you have just created, attach the file and click import.)
Then setup a second importer : Product Node Import
Processor > Node processor
Node processor settings Set : Content Display to "Product Display"
Now use the following Mapping (Note : you need to Map SKU twice!)
Source Target
SKU Product:SKU
Product name Title
Description Body
Import this... again it should say, 1 item has been imported. Then go to your product screen and it should be there if your importer is setup correctly...
I solved it.
Now the imported products in the node will be imported as a variation.
I initially had imported about 17,000 Bergiffe in 10 vocabularies.
Then I had created a new product variation. With fields such as:
10 * reference to taxonomy terms
Several fields for individual text and images (long text) for product variations
A field for the title product variations.
The new content type is automatically mitangelegt same. Here are the fields:
Title: (title field) for the parent product title (* 1)
URL alias (path)
Product variations (field-product)
Product catecory (field_product_category) (reference to taxonomy terms)
Body (body)
Now I had applied for. Here I had the parent node for the product title used (* 1). Written a small description (body).
Now I had created a first variation with the different and matching taxonomy terms.
After a try now I have just tried to use the following settings in the mapping node in the Product Importer:
SKU> Product variations: SKU
Title> GUID> Used as unique
Title> Title> Used as unique
Product Category> Product category> Search by taxonomy terms: Term name
The assignment of the title product as a parent GUID of the product variations Produktnode been assigned.
It's great when it works. I was sweating on that I need to create variations 170000 HTML on foot.
Best regards
Frank Hamburg-Germany
Translated with Google
Does not work for me. Using commerce feeds I can import products but not product displays. Using the node feed I'm told the import worked but admin/commerce/products does not list them. Does anyone have an answer?
Does not work for me. Using commerce feeds I can import products but not product displays. Using the node feed I'm told the import worked but admin/commerce/products does not list them. Does anyone have an answer?
logged in at last
correction: sort-of works
I discovered that the displays were accessible thru one of the taxonomy categories (I imported the term reference). Once the display was found I could edit it. As soon as I added products it also appeared under the contents menu.
Quick edit: changing/editing prices (which did not import but should have imported into the price_amount field) produces an ajax error and were not saved.
Same here. Randy's video was working fine for Commerce 1.0, however it does important, but not display the products in Commerce 2.0.
As I'm using Commerce 2.0 on a photo stock site, with as well digital files for media and 3 print sizes for random customers, it will be such a relive to use feeds.
I would be very thankful for an updated video about feeds.
My first post here but I think I solved it.
The feeds import does work without having to create anything new (though i've not tested feeds tamper yet)
I imported the products individually and couldn't see them as described in previous comments but as soon as you follow the second step and import a display for the products you can then see them and manage them through the Products menu as per usual.
I figured that the reason you can't see the individual products when they are initially imported is that they are the variation of the product that sits within the product display (container). As soon as you wrap the product in a product display node the individual product can be seen as the variation.
Hope this helps!
I have also found that after using the Product Reference importer that the products do appear, but not beforehand (after just the product importer). However, When I try to edit the Product (not quickedit - this shows up fine), I'm getting a fatal error
Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in ...\modules\field\ on line 324.
Any ideas?
same issue!
I am not using product display node module, instead of this I am using below structure.
I have one content type and in that I have added one field as product reference for product variations fields. But in my importer, when I used Commerce Product Processor, I am not able to map other fields of the product variations. It only shows SKU and Product ID field in target drop-down with all node related fields.
Because of this I am not able to add more fields in CSV file except title, sku and product id.
Does anyone have any ideas on this?
Note that this procedure should be the same for Commerce Kickstart 2.
I have previously used the info at to add products to the version of drupal commerce that is used by Randy in the video. Unfortunately the demo doesn't work 'out of the box' for me with Commerce Kickstart (commerce_kickstart-7.x-2.0). One reason being that the content type 'product' doesn't exist in commerce_kickstart-7.x-2.0 so you need to make it. I have tried making my own product type and I can import the variations and product nodes but they still don't display. I guess I have a problem with how the product nodes reference the variations or it could be that I need to set up the view to deal with my new product. Once I get it working I will post directions.