How do I enable the Quantity field Widget on Add To Cart?
How do I enable the Quantity field (so users can order say -5- of an item) ?
I've been reading the Kickstart 2 docs and the Add To Cart section does not match what I see on the Product Edit screen for the demo site we set up. According to the docs, I should see a screen like this, but I see no way to access
/Admin /Structure / Content Types / Product Display
Referring to the above image, where is that widget at the right edge of the table?
One WAG... I'm using the demo data. Is this one of those things where one cannot see the widget unless one completely starts over (ie. empties the demo data?)
Thanks. In my install 7.2.15... that widget is hidden. When I saw your screencap I went on a search, found the code that hides it and hacked it temporarily so I could -see- it. I read that you don't want issue reports here. Where does one post a bug? This has been frustrating me for a while... I thought I was going nuts.