Few products in cart but total price is 0
I have problem with my shopping cart.
When I add few products to my shopping cart block and shoping cart form then total price looks good, but when i click checkout (shopping cart summary) then have total price 0.
Where is problem?
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Nobody can help me?
Nobody can help me?
Same problem
I have the same issue.
Cart total is correct. Then click checkout and line item totals are correct but Order total is 0.
Using Commerce 7.x-1.7
Customizable Products 7.x-1.0beta2
I have another site that is working correctly but does not use Customizable Products so I wonder if the issue is there. Are you using Customizable Products nawi?
I don't use Customizable
I don't use Customizable Products.
I have no idea what happened. I install few modules from this tutorial http://www.drupalcommerce.org/commerce-kickstart-2/rich-email-notifications and now have problem with total orders. Ofcourse unistall all this modules but problem is still.
Found my error
My error was in the rules I used for the customizable product. I changed the price based on selected features. The rule I set used a "set data value" action to change the price which clearly caused an error in the price calculations. I changed the rule to use the "Set the unit price to a specific amount" action and all is well again.
nawi, I expect you also have a rule somewhere which is incorrectly altering an important data value and causing the total calculation to fail.
efitzg, I disable all rules
efitzg, I disable all rules and have still problem.
You can send me more details about your solution? Previous decription is not clear for me.
I have no idea.
I have no idea.
I check and update modules.
Disable all rules.
Disable Product pricing rules.
Delete all tax rates and tax types.
But still have Order total 0 in checkout page. Anyone can help?
Still looking for a solution.
Still looking for a solution. Does anyone can help me?
Anyone can help me?
Anyone can help me?