Drupal Commerce dynamic Line Item update
**Is there a way by which I can programmatically update a select options list of LineItems?**
My product-display nodes have field data which my users, i:e site-editors, are allowed to configure. This configurable data is essential for customers to select from when adding the product to cart.
I setup a blank select-options list as a LineItem. My thinking is perhaps I can insert the dynamic data the site-editors provide each time the product-display is viewed.
Unfortunately, the LineItem is not visible in my Rule with **content is viewed** as the event.
Can anyone help, please?
Maybe you need to read this:
Is that what you need?
Thank you
but the data-comparrison nor entity-has-field approaches helped expose my LineItem data to my Rule
Thank you
but the data-comparrison nor entity-has-field approaches helped expose my LineItem data to my Rule
Still looking for urgent help on this issue.
Does it make any difference that I only need to add these dynamic line item data for collecting user choices.
My dynamic line items don't need alter the final price?