
Build a crowd funding platform

Hi folks,

I'm in the verge of building a crowd funding platform and I'm thinking about using drupal commerce to manage pledges.

I'm new to drupal commerce, and I'm trying to figure out if and how I can use it for doing what I'm trying to do. If someone would be able to give me some tips I'd really appreciate that. I'm not looking for code snippet here, just some advice to put me in the right direction.

My main concern is that in a crowdfunding platform you don't really buy a "product", you give an amount of money to a project.

I'll have different funding projects, every project will have a goal. Any user should be able to give money (free amount) to the project until the total is reached (or even after this, we didn't decided it yet). I'll need to know the total amount of money funded for every project and I'll need to keep record of every single donation.

That sound like a runtime created product: the user decide di give 10$ to a project, at runtime I create a product that cost 10$ and put that in the cart. Will this make sense ?

Would something like that make sense ? Is there a better approach for solving this problem ? Or maybe a better tool (or even an existing extension for drupal commerce).

This is something that could definitely become a module that people can reuse.

Thank you for your help

Posted: Jan 8, 2013


ftassi on January 9, 2013

Eventually I've found this: http://commerceguys.com/blog/using-custom-line-items-provide-donation-fe... which is exactly what I was looking for.

The next thing that I'll need to figure out is if to manage different fundable projects I'll need to create a product for each of those or if I can use the same product with a custom field that bind the product to the project (the product display) when a user buys it (maybe I can update this field with a rules as well).

I'll share here my solution when I'll figure it out.



guerno on February 5, 2013


I'm looking for a similar functionallity. Not for a crowdfunding platform but also for a few products bought with money of the public. (immo) Any updates on this?



pedrorocha on March 9, 2013

I launched http://benfeitoria.com last month, a crowdfunding platform on top of Drupal Commerce, and it is running smoothly. In resume, i have:
* a content type for Projects
* Custom Product Types for contributions to each project(each project has it's own products)
* Custom Line Item Types to differentiate contributions to projects and contributions to the website itself
* Custo Order(we need to reference the Project which the Order belongs to)

Steve101 on March 18, 2013

I am looking to setup a crowdfunding platform here in the UK. Would anyone be interested in setting this up for me? Please let me know how much it would cost. Would be looking for custom design and payment intergration

guido on April 8, 2013

Hello !
I would like to build such a site in France.
Did you have to make some programming ?
DO you think I can use Open Enterprise Drupal along with that E-commerce distribution if I want ta add social functionalities ?
thanks !

pmackay on June 7, 2013

Hi, I'm wondering, did you support refundable donations with your platform? That seems quite a common feature on such sites but one of the harder features to do in Drupal Commerce.

Has anyone else looked into refunds?

josberna on October 10, 2013

Hello everyone,

I too built a crowd funding site and I have everything except the pledge management functionality. Has anyone built a module that allows both the pledger and the crowd venture to manage their pledges. Also, hoping to leverage a pledge status bar or chart for all parties to see.

My site is visible at http://crowdfundcapitalist.com

pouliiine on December 28, 2013


I also would like to laucnh a crowdfunding platform.
Did you launch your platform yet?
I would love to know how you did to start with drupal commerce.

Does anyone would like to exchange about that?
