
Displaying all images of referenced products in product display node

After hours of work i got this solution.

 * Implements hook_entity_prepare_view().
function HOOK_entity_prepare_view($entities, $type) {
$product_display_entity_type = 'node';
$product_display_type = 'dishes_product_display';
// create product display gallery with all referenced product images
foreach($entities as $display) {
$type == $product_display_entity_type && $display->type == $product_display_type){
$product_entity_type = 'commerce_product'
$product_field_name = 'field_product';
$photos_field_name = 'field_product_photos';
// get products ID's       
$product_field_language = field_language($product_display_entity_type, $display, $product_field_name);   
$field_product = $display->{$product_field_name}[$product_field_language];     
// get products image fields     
foreach($field_product as $product_id) {
$product = commerce_product_load($product_id['product_id']);   
$photos_field_language = field_language($product_entity_type, $product, $photos_field_name);
// merge produts images with product display images
foreach($product->{$photos_field_name}[$photos_field_language] as $image) {
$product_field_language = field_language($product_display_entity_type, $display, $photos_field_name);
$display->{$photos_field_name}[$product_field_language][] = $image;

Improve and use it =)

Posted: May 11, 2012


nelslynn on June 20, 2012

Any clues on how to implement the code above? I'm thinking you build a custom module with this? Then what?
What is $product_field_name ?