
New product field showing "add comment, to basket and in stock"

I added a new field for JW player/ some video to a product page, it works ok, I have to work on the player loading 100%, will fix that but I am trying to get rid of the "add new comment, add to basket and in stock" that shows up with the video. I want it to just say- video: and have the clip..

If anyone can point me in the right direction that would rock. Thanks!

Posted: Mar 8, 2013


asperi on March 11, 2013

This is the code I put in my node--product.tpl.php


<?php print render($content['product:field_video']); ?>

Is there something I can put in or edit so is does not show the "add new comment, add to basket and in stock"?

asperi on March 11, 2013

Did this: If anyone is having the same issue here is how to remove those extra feeds. In node--product-display.tpl.php

remove the add comment code by adding this: hide($content['links']['#links']['comment-add']);

to get rid of the others go to - Structure> content types> products> Manage display- set Status to hidden, set Sku to hidden