
Adding shipping surcharge per item


We are using drupal commerce module in drupal 7 version. We need to add shipping surcharge per item in each product line item.

But the shipping surcharge varies for each product line item. I have seen video in drupal commerce to add common $5 to per item, but how to add different amount for each product line item?

I am new to drupal commerce, it will be a great help if anyone help me out since it is very urgent.


Posted: Nov 8, 2012


strae strae on November 8, 2012

First, you must have a clear idea about what make the surcharge vary from item to item, next, you have 2 choices:

1. Rules: can accomplish many tasks, if your logic is not too wired they can be the best choice, or..
2. ..usually is simplyer with a custom module.

Im using 3 rules to do something similar, 1 rule to add those surcharge in the review page (after the customer choose the shipping method) and 2 rules to remove them when the customer goes back to shopping/cart (note im not using the default shipping line item, becose i need a differente VAT and summary calculation).

To do this, I added ew events: http://drupal.org/node/1782590