
Product attributes with pricing calculated on customers input

Hi everyone (my first post here).

I'm creating 2 product types: standard and specialised. Standard has only one unchangable price. Add this to cart -> Buy -> Done.
Specialised product is more complex because of many attributes depending on user/customer input. There are about 12 different attributes. I would like to give administrator to add these attributes to product type but not to display them on admin/create product site but when adding to cart. So, I need to have additional prices configured in admin panel for every product attribute.
Some examples of needed attributes:
1. 2 fields for product width and height (entered by customer when adding to cart) - textfields: user enter width and height and then he get area * unit_price
2. taxonomy reference selected by customer (i.e. dropdown)
3. some_addition_element * width and some_additional_element * height if selected by customer
4. Element with default and textfield, depend on customer select.
5. Some textfield with integer range validation
6. Additional radio buttons to selection (various price for each radio option)
Is it possible to create such modifications with available modules?

Posted: May 24, 2012


f.gorczynski on August 31, 2012

Product Attributes, Product Bundle, Product Option Set Reference...
From Commerce Product Enhancements group. I also created HUGE _alter() function to hold submitted fields. My problem was bigger bacause I need to have more fields to fill in on product page (something about 12 various options for product: taxonomy references with custom prices for every taxonomy term, all prices depended on this width and length parameters).
I think there should be a better solution.
My problem is that is my first shop on Commerce and even my first shop on Drupal.