Link to product in the order view
is it possible to link the product name in the order view to the product itself? Or are they "detached" after checkout?
I have only managed to put a link pointing to the product edit page by adding a relationship (commerce line item: product) and adding or editing a field with rewrite results.
Any ideas?
If you want the path to where
If you want the path to where the customer added it to the cart, you are looking for: (Line Item) Commerce Line item: Display path. If you look the default Drupal Commerce cart view, that is what is used.
Now, if you want the link to the product itself, I believe you would need to create a simple view that would accept a product id as an argument from the URL and then display the fields you want to display. I would think showing the product display (instead of simply the product) would make more sense to the customer.
I presume you have the node
I presume you have the node title of the product display node as the product name? You can create relationships to show this in the order view